
The outer path of this epic journey
is a long loop
a wide circle
along which I stride joyfully
strong and fast
not inclined to pause,
the expansive adventure its own reward.
Plenty of time to try new things
maybe hop on one foot
or triple jump
plenty of time on the long swing out towards the top of the circle
then over
onto the next ring.
Oh! A change in direction.
No problem, the circle is still wide in these outer paths.
For several more rounds
I travel out, then in towards the circle’s top
then around again.
I navigate more direction changes
slow my stride somewhat
stop jumping around
step more thoughtfully.
Then at the next turn-around
I pause and notice
time running faster along these
inner loops
the adventure less expansive
more reflective somehow.
And as I contemplate more
with every turn around the circle,
slowly I start to sense
a destination
an epicentre
that draws me in with a gentle invitation.
And now I understand.
The goal all along was to
home in
ever closer to the centre
that in the end is