Books and Chapbooks
Non-fiction history books
Do you prefer history served hot with stories of extraordinary people?
I’m with you! I tackled two big histories with a storyteller’s focus: I found the hearts and blood of the surveyors, settlers and pioneers who opened up the Muskoka and Perry Sound districts. I found the hearts and blood of my ancestors too, but also their decisions and influences that ripple forward into today.

The Muskoka Road’s twisting, hilly, bone-jarring route through the “wild lands” of Muskoka and Parry Sound opened up these districts as it also broke the hearts and backs of many stalwart pioneers.

The saga of my mother’s extraordinary family, spanning over 100 years and interweaving tales of Granger family secrets and adventures with social history and world events.
Poetry Chapbooks
Want to explore some “variations on a theme”?
Discover the many aspects of specific topics, as seen by a poet looking through a camera lens. Each of these small “chapbooks” is a themed collection of my Poetry Art with hand-sewn binding. Titles so far are “Trees”, “Home” and “Shelter in Place: the First Year of COVID.” More of these to come!
I donate all money raised from the sale of these chapbooks to the Breast Health Centre at the Ottawa Hospital.
Shelter in Place explores what it was like to live through the first year of COVID. This chapbook has been accepted into the Archives of Ottawa’s COVID collection.
Home was created to celebrate the 200 year anniversary of Richmond, Ontario, which was founded in 1818 and has been my home for over forty years.
Trees is a collection of my poetry art inspired by extraordinary trees I’ve encountered around my home and in the Muskoka area, site of my family’s cottage for over 50 years.