Strength Within: The Granger Chronicles Granger Family Photos Here are some photos from the Granger Family Photo Album. Josephine Robinson, circa 1885Josephine Robinson, circa 1885Richard McSorley, circa 1920Arthur and Mary McSorley, circa 1916Arthur McSorley, age 21, 1919Jozsef Gerencer, circa 1910Ship’s Manifest, S.S. Vaderland – Register of Jozsef Gerencser’s entry into the U.S. through the port of New York, 4 March 1902 (5th line from top)Gerencser family passport, issued January 1905 – Front page of passport in Hungarian and French, indicating Jozsef Gerencser is a Hungarian subject under the rule of Franz Jozsef IPassport Pages – Details about Jozsef Gerencser, age 37 at the time of the family’s immigration to the U.S.Julianna Molnar, circa 1910Julianna’s Baptismal Certificate – Record of Julianna Molnar’s baptism, 31 May 1865 from the Lutheran Church in Lovaszpatona, Hungary. This document was obtained by Julianna 7 April 1893 for the church in Kispecz where she married Jozsef Gerencser.S.S. Stuttgart – This is the ship that brought the Gerencser family to the U.S. Jozsef Gerencser, Julianna Molnar Gerencser, Jozsef Jr. (Joseph) and Istvan (Stephen) sailed from Bremen Germany 11 February 1905 and arrived in Baltimore Maryland 26 February 1905.Kiss Wedding, circa 1910 – The Kiss family was likely related to Julianna Molnar. Jozsef Gerencser (back row, second from left) and Julianna Molnar Gerencser (front row, far left)Stephen Granger, circa 1908 – This picture was taken in front of 79 Chandler Street in Buffalo. Note the McKinnon Dash factory across the street from the Gerencer home.Mary McSorley, circa 1920Wedding Day – (L-R) Mary McSorley Granger, Stephen Granger, Marge Swaze Harley. This picture was likely taken by Ted Harley on the Grangers’ wedding day, 14 August 1923Stephen Granger, circa 1926Stephen Granger, Venice Beach, California, 1 May 1925Connie and Aunt Mary – Mary Granger with God-daughter Constance Granger (daughter of Edwin and Lucille Granger), 1929Red Goral and Stephen Granger – Amateur boxer Red Goral (L) with his manager Stephen Granger (R), circa 1938.Stephen Granger, circa 1938Joseph and Lucille Granger, circa 1950Mary-Jane Granger and Cliff Eckhardt, circa 1952Mary-Jane Granger Marries Cliff Eckhardt, 12 September 1953 – (L-R) Stephen Granger, Mary Granger, Mary-Jane (Granger) Eckhardt, Cliff Eckhardt, Mabel Eckhardt, Gerry EckhardtBob and Rosemarie’s Wedding, 1 September 1958Lee Ann Eckhardt, ‘Pa’ (Stephen Granger) and Nancy Eckhardt, circa 1958Mary-Jane, Lee Ann, Nancy and Cliff Eckhardt, circa 1959Paul and Jill’s Wedding – top Row: (L-R) Bruce Berlet, Richard Granger, Jeff Berlet, Ed Lawler, Stephanie Berlet; Middle Row: (L-R) Doris Maloney, Paula Berlet (Bruce’s sister), Jill Delong Berlet, Paul Berlet, Ethel Berlet (Bruce’s mother), Susan Granger Lawler, Paula (Bruce’s sister); Front: Samatha BerletMeeting Cousin Susan – L-R: Eric Smith, Geoff Smith, Susan Granger Lawler, Lee Ann Smith, Allentown PA, July 2004 Return to Strength Within