How Handwriting Analysis is Used in Strength Within

My main interest as the chronicler of the Granger Family stories and history was to bring the people alive. Of course, many “characters” in the book are long deceased and we have no-one living who remembers them. For several ancestors, I had only photographs, and signatures on copies of documents such as passports, marriage, birth and death records. I worked with Jill Ledden of HWA Insights who analysed the signatures on these documents.
I used handwriting analysis as a way of trying to glean insights into my ancestors personalities and try to understand some of the traits they possessed so I could describe them as fully as possible in the book.
I specifically asked Jill to analyse the signatures of my grandparents: people for whom there is living memory. Her findings were substantiated by the people who knew them. I was then even more confident about describing other ancestors based on the findings from their handwriting analyses.