There is nothing more gratifying to a writer than to talk directly to readers! Getting the chance to learn what different people think of the book, which sections they found most interesting, or what struck them when reading the story. In the past couple of weeks, a number of readers have contacted me by email and phone to let me know they’ve read the book and to tell me what they like about it.

Of course, this doesn’t always happen. Often as a writer, you do the work and then put it “out there”; the only indication that the book is being read is sales numbers – which are fine, but sterile compared to a lively discussion with a reader who didn’t know that Ontario was largely settled via colonization roads… or a descendant of one of the Muskoka Road surveyors who related some memories of his father, also a surveyor… or an archivist who wrote with great praise for the depth and accuracy of the research.

I’ve also enjoyed looking at the daily stats on the number of “hits” on the website, and what parts of it are being read. (Lots of clicks on ‘where to buy the book’ and also the dynamic map, very exciting!)

As time goes by, I’ll have opportunities through planned events to meet with more readers. Meanwhile, as a reader myself, I’ve resolved to contact more authors and let them know their books have not gone out into a void!

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