Geoff and I just returned from another venture along the Muskoka Road, this time to take pictures of me on the road. Amazingly, after all this time, I had no pictures of me on the road.

We also took the opportunity to take some “today” shots of the main streets of six Muskoka-Parry Sound towns, matching today’s view with that of historical photos I have in the book. A very cool comparison, especially when some buildings are still standing!

One thing of note, though, is that 19th century photographers invariably stood in the middle of the road when taking “main street” pictures. Not a good idea with today’s traffic. We had to take turns standing guard for each other, when trying to get the same vantage point.

Oh – a word of advice for those of you considering a venture where you drive 370 kilometres to Muskoka, then a further 170+ kms from one end of a road to the other, through at least six towns over two days, taking 63 photos. Check the settings on your camera.
Yes! Imagine my horror when I uploaded 63 very blue pictures to my computer. That’s what you get when the camera is set for incandescent light.
O.M.G. Somehow they did not look blue on the camera screen .
Luckily all my photos will be black and white in the book, so I am saved.
Hi Lee Ann, It sounds like you and Geoff are having a lot of fun. And of course learning a lot as well. I can only imagine your expression when you found out the pictures were blue! I like to see the present and the past pictures. Can’t wait to see the finished product.
Lee Ann! What a lovely shot of you on Muskoka Rd. (great photog, Geoff!!!) I can hardly wait to see the book. Let me know. I must buy! Love you!
And one of my colleagues who grew up in Ontario has friends who live in Washago in the summer! He identified the liquor store!
Beautiful pictures, Lee Ann!
– Shawna
Take a look at this page if you have a chance…an effort to continue the proper name of the area…Muskoka…people are trying to call it The Muskokas and we know that is not right. It was named after Chief Mesqua Ukee…he was only one person so the name Muskoka can never be pluralized.
The page contains history tid bits pictures and general info about Muskoka. Join the page and you can submit Muskoka data too.