Eye of the Beholder


She’s got what you’d call an
interesting face.
It’s got
personality I guess.
You have to overlook some things
Find the
what do they call it
inner beauty.
Poor kid.

I can work with this.
Honey, you got some great
bone structure
and I’m the best in the business.
We’re gonna play up… this…
turn your head, that’s it
and play down… that…
Oh yeah.
I got this.
One thing’s for sure
you’re no beauty queen
But character?
Oh yeah.

Is she beautiful?
Not in the classic way
but in the deep-lines-patterned-like-veins-in-a-leaf way.
Veins pulsing with soul and
surprisingly soft to the touch.
She has unusual eyes,
just a bit
well, uneven I guess you’d say.
And come to think of it
her point of view
is always somewhat
but in a way that makes you think
than you had before.
And not everyone can do that for you.