Hello there! I hope your 2018 is off to a strong start!

As you see from this picture I took recently in my back yard, we’ve been in a deep freeze for most of December and now again in January. I could not resist bundling up and going outside to take this shot of what looks to me like a snake, a snow otter and an elf hat. Reminds me that Mother Nature has a sense of humour! It also reminds me that I can find inspiration all around me if I only take the time to look.
This month’s poem was inspired by exactly that: looking around me and making some connections with what I saw. I found a perfect photo match for it in my collection of pictures taken at the cottage last summer.
So, what do you think about taking some time this month to look around you a little more closely? You may be surprised, and inspired! Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy Evidence of Angels.
Lee Ann
P.S. This is one of two of my poems that was recently awarded Judges Choice, and published in “The Bannister,” an anthology of 2017 contest winners by the Niagara Branch of the Canadian Authors Association.
I was right there with you reading that poem. I could see the entire image. Thank you.💕
Sounds about what our boys would have done. Thanks for the poem and the picture.