Hello there!
After many false starts and a cruel false promise that the snow-pack would melt slowly, Spring unleashed ferocious flooding in both Ottawa and Muskoka, my two home places. Our own properties are dry and safe, but many people endured evacuations during the past couple of weeks and now face despairing restorations of their homes and cottages.
So I begin this season – typically my favourite of the year – with mixed emotions. Sadness and helplessness stirred together with hope, as Nature starts to offer gentle, warm days and that gorgeous new green of unfurling leaves. Bitter-sweet this year.
This month’s poem has that same mix of emotion, which I thought was fitting for the kind of spring we are having in my neighbourhoods.

May you always find hope emerging!
Here’s Minds and Hearts.
Lee Ann
This is your best by farrrrrrr. I love and all the heroic thing you stand for.
I love you Lee Ann!
Sorry. I didn’t hit the right buttons.